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An umbrella shades comfortable lounges beside a swimming pool surrounded by palm trees beneath a sunny blue sky with a few puffy white clouds.

Travel Better

Travel better! It sounds good, doesn’t it? Not just to travel, but to travel better! But what does that actually mean? Let’s look at some of the possibilities.

If you’re like me, you’d like to not only travel, but to travel better! It sounds good, doesn’t it? Not just to travel, but to travel better

But what does that actually mean?

Let’s look at some of the possibilities.

  • Travel more.
    • That might mean traveling as cheaply as possible, so that you can travel as much as possible. Search for tips online, and you’ll find lots of ways to save money on transportation, lodging, food, and more.
  • Travel more comfortably.
    • This might mean splurging on Premium Economy instead of Basic Economy for flights, booking a 2-bedroom vacation rental instead of one hotel room with two double beds for your group of 4 people, or taking a train because it’s faster and more comfortable than a bus. You can still save money in other ways. This works especially well for travelers who have a moderate budget and want good value for their money.
    • If you’re traveling long-term, say 3 months or more, it may mean taking along some non-essential items that you just enjoy having–books, yoga mat, kitchen stuff, whatever.
  • Travel luxuriously.
    • Maybe you don’t care so much about traveling often, but you want to be pampered when you do. First-class flights, 4- and 5-star hotels, fancy restaurants, spa days.
We really enjoyed the local rabbit dishes at what became our favorite restaurant on Gozo.
Cultural festivals are fun and interesting.
  • Connect to local people and experience local culture.
    • In many places you can find homestays, hospitality exchanges, and free walking tours. If a homestay doesn’t appeal to you, at least avoid the big hotel chains and stay somewhere with local character. (In Malta, they’re literally called Houses of Character. And in Ireland, nearly everywhere has character.)
    • Use public transit instead of renting a car.
    • Hire a local tour guide or travel planner.
    • Connect with people and groups that share your interests.
    • Visit off-the-beaten-path landmarks and attractions as well as World Heritage Sites and well-known museums.
    • Take a class, or attend a performance or festival or lecture. Check event listings geared toward locals to find non-touristy things to do.

So, now that you have some ideas about what it might mean to travel better, decide what it means to you! Most likely it will mean different things at different times–you may want to travel alone at one time, with family another, and with friends some other time. You may want to cram as much as possible into one short trip, and travel slowly on a longer one.

I know that I like to travel as often as feasible while still traveling comfortably, and to experience local culture if possible; and after our wonderful months in Ireland and Malta, I adore slow travel.

Everyone will have their own, personal, variable combination of factors when considering how to travel better.

I’ll probably expand each of these sections into its own article, over time. Meanwhile, these tips should definitely get you started! What’s your favorite way to travel better? Leave a comment below!

Travel Better

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